Cullen Kilshaw, Peebles – Illuminated LED window property displays, Facia Sign, Illuminated Lit Signage, and Planning Permissions
Our customer opened a new dedicated property offce in Peebles, and asked us to manage the internal office displays, window displays, and external signs with illumination, and that we manage the project to ensure planning and advertising permissions were granted by the local authorities, due to difficult obstacles, such as listed building consent.
Blackwood Smith, Peebles
“Thank you for this. The displays all look excellent.” Struan, Blackwood Smith
“Just wanted to say what an amazing job you have done.” Annette
Other work completed recently, includes another project in Peebles, where we advised our customer on how to develop their window area and wall space for property advertising. We’re delighted to receive great positive feedback from our customers yet again. We believe we offer top quality products, and dedicated, friendly customer service to our customers.
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Illuminated Window Displays, Signs, and Internal Displays for Estate Agents